Every Idea Marketing

My Fresh Basket: Loyalty Program & Identity, Print Advertising, Display, In-Store Signage

My Fresh Basket

Loyalty Program Name and Identity, Print Advertising, Display, and In-Store Signage


New grocery store, My Fresh Basket in Spokane, WA, was three months away from opening day and they needed a name for their shopper loyalty program and to finalize program identity and logistics. They also needed to execute their new store logo within a fresh and contemporary campaign look and feel to draw attention and excitement for the store’s opening.


The loyalty program needed to be simple yet compelling enough for shoppers to want to sign up and find value in becoming a member. The in-store cash back on purchases, couponing, and convenient recipes were top-notch benefits. Communicating this value with simplicity and clarity, while at the same time being motivating, were of the utmost importance.


Every Idea concepted the My Fresh Basket Fresh Rewards Loyalty Program identity, along with naming the coveted in-store cash, Basket Bucks. We designed the card graphics, created the tagline “Loyalty has its privileges” to drive home the special benefits card-carrying members received, and developed in-store signage to draw awareness about the program. We also created tradeshow graphics and collateral, as well as print ads and outdoor billboards to drive customers to the store.


My Fresh Basket signed up almost 2,500 loyalty program members within the first 2 months. The fresh, clean graphic style and friendly copy helped to build a strong brand and loyal following for Spokane’s freshest grocery store. My Fresh Basket continues to be the best grocery store in town.

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