Every Idea Marketing

Five Creative Ways to Use QR Codes

Making the bridge between printed media and the web has just gotten a whole lot easier through the use of QR (Quick Response) Codes and smartphones. Just scan the QR Code with your scanning enabled smartphone and the printed code comes alive and takes you online to just about anywhere or to anything. Here are a few ideas that utilize QR Codes, which could help your business build a stronger brand and increase customer interaction.

Video Viewing
Pretty much every product comes with a set of instructions, but hardly anyone reads them. By placing a QR Code on a printed instruction page that links to an online video demonstration of the product, you would be providing a valuable visual aid for your consumer.

Get More Facebook “Likes”
You’re a restaurant owner and you want to increase your fan base on Facebook. How about printing a QR Code on the back of your receipts or menus, so customers can instantly scan and “like” you right there on the spot? Now that’s easy.

Save a Tree, Scan Me
One day, tradeshows will be paperless, but until then we have QR Codes. One way to bring that glorious day closer is to place a QR Code on your workers’ T-shirts, so people can scan them and receive your digital brochure. Or it could work in reverse by giving all attendees at the show a QR Code and then booth workers could scan it for customer follow up. In any case, the great Lorax will thank you.

Directions, Directions, Who’s got the Directions
You’re throwing a special event and you want an easy way to give the date, time and directions to all your customers. Just place a QR Code on the invitations that links to an online event page and you’re set.

Thumb Saver
Data entry of new contacts’ info into your smartphone can be a chore. Why not make it easy for everyone and put all that data in a QR Code and place it on the back of your business card? Your card recipient will be most thankful.

These ideas are just a start to what you can do regarding the use of QR Codes. If you’d like to explore these and other ideas regarding QR Code use, give us a call and we’d be happy to see how best to integrate them into your business.

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