Every Idea Marketing

Ways to Give

Holidays are a time for us to surround ourselves with family and friends, and be given the opportunity to remember what’s important.

They can be a time that reminds us of those less fortunate and many families choose this time to donate to local organizations. 38% of people who donate choose to do so during the holiday season (charitynavigator.org); most of whom say that their major motivation factor is to give back to their community. There’s actually a day, #GivingTuesday, which kicks off the holiday giving season and falls on December 1.

As you sit down to write your Naughty and Nice lists, take a moment to read through some other ways you can donate. Don’t forget to check your lists twice!

Help Fill Empty Plates – Hunger Prevention Coalition

Started in 2002, the Hunger Prevention Coalition contributes to over 15 non-profit agencies throughout all of Central Oregon. Help Fill Empty Plates was started to eliminate hunger in all Central Oregon communities. You can donate on their website or support many local stores where you can purchase coupons in three different denominations ($2.45, $5, $10). 100% of the money raised goes to help feed local families in need.

Newport Avenue Market’s Food For February – Family Kitchen of Bend
February is one of the hardest hitting months for families in Central Oregon. Newport Avenue Market set out to tackle this four years ago with their Food for February campaign. Throughout the month of December, customers can donate any dollar amount they choose and the store will match it up to $25,000. Last year, they set a goal to hit $50,000 and came close with over $42,500. Help them reach that goal this year by donating any time this month!

CAN Cancer – Central Oregon Haulers

You’ve seen the purple trucks around town and you’ve definitely seen the giant purple billboards in April, but do you know much about CAN Cancer? For families battling cancer, their non-medical expenses can be just as difficult to bear as their medical ones. CAN Cancer was established in 2008, and has raised nearly $200,000. 100% of the proceeds go to a fund administered by the St. Charles Foundation and all funds are used to assist local cancer patients.

Punjammie’s – Sudara

Their slogan, Made from Hope, speaks true to what this group does for women. Shannon Keith, founder of Sudara, had her eyes opened during a trip to India and set a goal to change the lives of the women working the Red Light Districts there. She started Sudara (at the time known as International Princess Project) to give women the opportunity to sew a simple pattern and create Punjammie’s, and the opportunity for a new life. You can purchase Punjammie’s all year long, but they also make great holiday gifts!


Wish List – Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Oregon

The Ronald McDonald House Charity helps families all over the U.S. You can help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, creating a business sponsorship and by purchasing items off their wish list, which you may not know about. Their wish list is full of everyday items for the families they support, from cleaning products and linens to produce and gift cards. They make it easy too; they keep their wish list updated on Amazon where they’ll also receive a bonus cash back from your purchase.

We enjoy working and supporting each of our clients and hope that these ideas may have triggered a new tradition for some. Know of any other charitable giving ideas in the area? Please share them in the comments below.

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