Every Idea Marketing

How Do Guidelines Protect My Brand?

In March, we discussed some common branding terms: brand, logo, and brand identity. Once you have your branding in place, it’s important to build your presence.

Your brand’s primary asset is your identity. With more platforms to deliver your message through, consistency will be key as you begin to roll out this identity. Brand guidelines are an easy way to ensure consistency is met across all materials that are both internal and external in the marketplace. Your brand owner, who could be you, should insist that all of your creative partners take your guidelines seriously.


Think of coloring within the lines. When you stay within the contour of the image, you create a piece of artwork for your viewer. When you color outside of the lines, your artwork becomes blurred. The same goes for your identity. You want to ensure you are creating something that will always speak directly to your audience.

Your brand guidelines will provide the lines for your marketing team to color within, they will set rules and expectations to be followed and, with the right team, a unified presence will be created across all platforms. Brand guidelines will outline the colors, typography, and logo iterations. Copyrights, mascots, and other symbols may also be included. Not only will these elements lead you to creating a consistent look and feel, but you will also appear professional, both internally and externally.

One of your goals should be to become a recognizable player in the industry; your guidelines will help you get there. Think about brands that have seemed successful to you, Coke, Nike, Starbucks? Those brands have endured the test of time by staying consistent while being fresh and continually reaching out to their audience. Now that you understand the importance of graphic standards, let us know how we can help you develop them.

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